Frequently asked questions.
Who can participate?
Any adult with any previous cancer diagnosis. You may be newly diagnosed, or you may be 10+ years cancer free. We have no expected participant profile! You don’t need to see yourself as an “athlete” to participate (but certainly can participate if you are a seasoned athlete, too)! All genders welcome.
What level rider do I need to be?
Beginner to expert! While you should have some experience being on any kind of bike (even years ago), it is fine if you are brand new to mountain biking. Or, you may already be an expert looking for a day away on Kingdom Trails in beautiful rural Vermont.
Where will it happen?
Your private lesson or tour is on Kingdom Trails, in Lyndonville Vermont.
How long will my tour/lesson last?
We have blocked 3 hours of time, but can certainly reduce this time to whatever your body feels comfortable with. Many folks will find that, for the first time, an hour or shorter may be most appropriate.
Who will be my guide?
Alison Sauter. Ali is a PMBI Certified Mountain bike coach.
What do I need to bring?
Your helmet, water, and snacks (and your bike, unless you have already requested a rental)! After you sign up, Ali can send you more specifics about clothing, shoes and optional accessories, if you are new to riding and would like some prep tips! If you need a helmet, email Ali before your ride.
Will the experience be safe for my level of recovery?
We will follow your lead and comfort level. But if you have any questions at all, please first discuss participation in our program with your health care provider.
What will it cost?
Participation is free. If needed: trail access fees, and use of a ‘high end’ modern mountain bike, are also free to you as a participant of this program. Ali does not accept compensation or tips!
Can I bring a friend?
It depends!
To keep the focus on you and the lesson tailored to your needs, we prefer the one-on-one experience for instruction. However if you would like a tour, rather than a lesson, and would feel more comfortable bringing a friend along, we can accommodate an additional participant. :)
What about other trail networks?
If you can’t make it to Kingdom Trails, it may be possible to schedule a ride in Chittenden County, Vermont in the summer, or in Moab, Utah during the fall/winter. Please email ali@wellnessonwheelsvt.com.
How do I register?
Please email ali@wellnessonwheelsvt.com.